What Industries Need Cyber Insurance?

What Industries Need Cyber Insurance?

In an era where cyber threats are increasingly prevalent, we asked industry professionals to identify one industry that needs cyber insurance and explain why. From the hospitality industry to the multifaceted needs of the healthcare sector, here are six insights shared by co-founders, consultants, managers, and owners on the importance of cyber insurance in various sectors.

  • Hospitality
  • Insurance Brokers
  • Global Supply Chain
  • Agriculture
  • Crypto
  • Healthcare


The hospitality industry handles sensitive customer data such as credit card information and personal details. Hotels and restaurants rely on computer systems for operations, making them vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

For example, in 2016, the hotel chain, Hyatt, experienced a massive data breach where hackers stole credit card information from 41 properties worldwide. Cyber insurance can protect hotels and restaurants from potential data breaches and cyber-attacks, covering costs associated with legal fees, crisis management, and loss of income.

Roy LauRoy Lau
Co-founder, 28 Mortgage

Insurance Brokers

The insurance broker industry necessitates cyber insurance due to the inherent risks associated with handling sensitive client data. As prime targets for cyber attacks, insurance brokers face potential financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. Cyber insurance provides vital protection by covering expenses related to cyber incidents such as data breaches and ransomware attacks.

Additionally, insurers offering cyber insurance often provide risk assessment services, helping insurance brokers bolster their cybersecurity defenses. By obtaining cyber insurance coverage, insurance brokers can safeguard their operations, protect client information, and proactively manage cyber risks.

Cyber insurance is an indispensable asset for insurance brokers. It not only provides financial protection and assistance in incident response but also enables insurance brokers to prioritize cybersecurity and protect their client’s sensitive information.

Derrick Miler
Derrick Miler, Insurance Consultant, CHES Special Risk

Global Supply Chain

Container shipping companies are a critical part of the global supply chain. They transport millions of tons of goods across the world’s oceans each day, ensuring that countries and businesses receive the products they need for their everyday operations. Because of their central role in this system, these companies are highly vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Cybercriminals are aware of this. They know that container shipping companies are not just defending their own operations, but also the smooth functioning of global trade. As a result, hackers might target these companies for ransomware attacks, wherein they lock the company out of its own systems and demand payment in exchange for restoring access.

A real-life example is what happened to Maersk a few years ago. The significant consolidation of container shipping into 8-10 very large companies also means that just one successful hit will paralyze huge parts of the global supply chain.

Hristina StefanovaHristina Stefanova
Senior Marketing Manager, Blue Tea Ltd


The agriculture industry needs cyber insurance due to the increasing use of technology in farming, making it vulnerable to cyber attacks that could cause crop failures or other disruptions. Cyber insurance could help mitigate some of the financial risks associated with these types of attacks. For example, a cyber attack could result in the theft of data on crops or livestock, which could damage a farm’s reputation and can be financially devastating.

Ben LauBen Lau
Founder, Featured SEO Company


The financial sector, particularly the burgeoning cryptocurrency industry, is one area that urgently needs cyber insurance. As digital assets, cryptocurrencies are inherently vulnerable to cyber threats. The decentralized nature of blockchain technology, while offering numerous benefits, also presents unique security challenges.

Crypto exchanges, for instance, have been victims of high-profile hacks, leading to millions, sometimes billions, of dollars in losses. Cyber insurance can provide a financial safety net for these platforms, ensuring they can compensate users in the event of a breach.

Moreover, the crypto industry is still in its relative infancy, with regulatory frameworks evolving. This uncertainty can lead to unexpected liabilities, further emphasizing the need for insurance.

In a world where digital assets are becoming increasingly mainstream, cyber insurance is not just a luxury, but a necessity for the crypto industry!

Charis LoucaCharis Louca
Content Creator, Crypto Academy


Cyber insurance is crucial for the healthcare industry because of the following reasons. Healthcare organizations store valuable and sensitive data, making them attractive targets for cyber attacks.

The industry must adhere to data protection and privacy regulations, such as HIPAA. Cyber insurance helps organizations meet compliance requirements and offers financial protection against regulatory penalties resulting from breaches.

Cyber insurance covers business interruption costs, including revenue loss, recovery expenses, and implementing contingency plans. Also, ransomware attacks have been on the rise in healthcare. Cyber insurance covers ransom payments and the costs of restoring systems and data.

Finally, healthcare organizations may face lawsuits after a cyber incident. With cyber insurance, healthcare organizations can manage financial risks and protect patients’ sensitive information.

Justin RobertsJustin Roberts
Owner, Amity Insurance Group

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